How to optimize Facebook ads with lower CPM?

facebook ads
  1. Segregate mobile and desktop ads, do not use a single ad and let FB engine disburse at its discretion.
  2. On FB we have 2 placement options: Newsfeed and the right column placement
    Create optimized artworks for each, even if its the same artwork. Optimize desktop newsfeed and right-column ads separately.
  3. Test your ads
    • We recommend a 2-pronged test:
      • Test our audience selection.
      • This ensures the filters you have put in to reach your target audience are enabling you to reach your audience.
      • Test your creative.
      • Is the creative resonating with your audience and engaging them
    • Like we mentioned earlier for an ad campaign to be successful you need to reach your audience and engage them, So to ensure the fulfilment of both goals we recommend a A/B test for tuning in on both aspects
    • Once you have finetuned your audience try two artworks targetted to that single audience to test which approach resonates better with your audience.
      • Facebook allows A/B testing.
      • For the Audience, A/B testing, have 2 audience segments and target a single ad.
  1. Choose a call to action: This is important as once you have your customers’ attention, you want them to take the next step in engaging with you and your offerings.
    Choose wisely.
    • If you are selling online, buying now or shopping now on Facebook or any other online platform is a good option.
    • If you are educating your audience, reading more is a good option. Depending on your mode of education, that can lead to your site / Blog page / YouTube channel.
    • if you are promoting a video, watching more is a good option. The video could be hosted on FB locally or on YouTube. In the latter case, you will be moving them out of your Facebook page.
    • Selecting the right call to action is an important step, and Facebook allows you to choose the right call-to-action button from its list. This impacts the click-through rate.
  2. Install Pixel– a code that Facebook allocated to your profile on your website / any site that you are driving traffic to. This allows you to track visitor activity on your website, which in turn enables you to remarket to the customers in line with their tastes and needs, increasing the probability of converting them.